Arctic Monkeys Lyrics
Dancing Shoes Lyrics


josh williams said...

I was going to put on my dancing shoes but when I visited my climate controlled dancing shoe storage room I could not make up my mind, so I ambled into the village for a pint to help me think clearly.

Osbasso said...

Hey! You're almost tall! Kinda...

~d said...

♥JWW♥ May I have a pint as well, please?

Os: HAHA! You're right! Kinda...

Renee Somebody said...

Hot, hot, hot. The shoes are adorable, the ankles lickable, and I have a new fetish...

josh williams said...

~d my lady I suggest several pints, my treat.I promise I am really funny to those who are drunk or smoking lefty's.

Toby said...

His hands felt like ice exciting?

Toby said...

Tomorrow is Juneteenth day. There will be shootings tomorrow.

BirdMadGirl said...

Oh, how I love the shoes :)

Erin O'Brien said...